For Wehlers circularity is their purpose. Read how they got numbers on their efforts.

Case study with

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Circularity is the DNA of Wehlers. To underline their commitment, they wanted to document the carbon footprint of their products as a natural part of their operations.

To meet this requirement, we have documented the carbon footprint of each variant in the R.U.M. chair collection based on the European Commission’s PEF framework for quantifying the environmental impacts of a product.

R.U.M., short for ReUsedMaterials, is crafted from fishing nets, pharmalit, or e-waste. The circularity is further supported by using only two materials that can be 100% recycled without significant material downgrading. This chair is designed to revolutionize the way furniture is made globally, further enhanced by Wehlers’ take-back concept.

CEO Henrik Holm shares: “We are very pleased with the collaboration with QI. The DNA of our company is circularity, and with the analysis conducted by QI, we now have the numbers to prove it.”

Wehlers continues to set a benchmark in sustainable design, and we are proud to support their mission.

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  • Discuss Your Needs: Understand your current challenges and goals in sustainability.
  • Explore Opportunities: Identify potential areas for improvement and growth.
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